Forget the Old Argumentative Essay Topics

Let go of all the old and repetitive argumentative essay topics. It is time to grab on to some new topics to present an interesting argumentative essay paper.

Teachers in high schools and professors in colleges have received common topics which have been discussed several times by students at large. With a new topic will make readers more inclined to read the paper. Their interest will be gripped in the paper and they will look forward to read the various arguments presented in support or against the new topic.

15 New Argumentative Essay Topics

Here’s a list of innovative essay topics that can make your argumentative essay paper a very interesting read:

  • Is the rise of Organic farming a sign of corruption in commercial products?
  • If technology a boon or a health hazard?
  • Should proper internet usage guidance be a compulsory education in schools and colleges?
  • Should college and university education be more job-oriented stressing on practical knowledge rather than theoretical?
  • Has night working shifts taking a toll on health? Are more fresh employers inclined to night shifts as it offers higher pay scale?
  • Has the ratio of rapes declined over the years? Do women feel safe in the current environment?
  • Steroids and Athletes? Is the connection still strong? What measures has been worked out by various sports committee to revive the true sportsman spirit?
  • Is counselling a proper method to solve complex issues in teenagers or should divorced parents be blamed?
  • Are Political Governments in democratic countries misusing their power?
  • Tiger breeding to produce tonic wine? Who should be supported?
  • Weight limitation in Restaurants. Is it sensible?
  • Has the issue of global warming taken a side-step? Has there been any progress in the measures taken to safeguard the environment?
  • Has technology handicapped human beings? Can humans survive without technology?
  • What about “Right to Die”? Should it be a right at all?
  • Can a balanced diet ward of diseases? Should a nutrition education be included in learning sessions along with sports and fitness classes?

These interesting argumentative essay topics on various subjects are new and in relation to the present situation dealt by individuals from various walks of life. You can score much better than others by using these topics to write an argumentative essay. They are new and do not repeat common over-used topics.


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