10 Golden Rules For Writing A Strong Descriptive Essay

If you are searching for 10 golden rules for writing a strong descriptive essay, then look over the list of rules below:

  1. Pick your subject first. You need this to be something you are intimately familiar with in order to properly convey all of the necessary details to the reader.
  2. Practice good diction and word economy; if there is one word which best describes what you are trying to say using an entire sentence, then use that one word. It does not necessarily take a lot of words to properly convey the image you want.
  3. Utilize all of the senses possible. This is truly the key to good writing. If you can incorporate the sense of smell, taste, touch, sight, sounds, and more than you have done well to complete the work as required.
  4. Pick a dominate detail in your subject. The dominant detail is the one thing you are going to emphasize throughout the course of your work.
  5. Create a thesis statement. This is something that comes from having a dominant detail in mind. Having a dominant detail means you have the one thing you want to focus on the most and this one thing should serve as the foundation for the thesis statement you need to make.
  6. Incorporate descriptions that support your dominant detail. This is important. You want to find as many of the most precise and important descriptions as you can in order to best support for the reader that key detail or trait that serves as the foundation of your piece.
  7. Find a proper order in which to present your information. Some students prefer to focus on details from specific to general while others prefer to work from general to specific. But there are some cases where you want to present these details in a chronological order.
  8. Play around with the order of your work with an outline. Having an outline will help you to properly craft your final piece without worry.
  9. Create a draft. Read it over multiple times and make sure you run it by more than one person. Ask them to paint for you verbally the picture you have painted for them. If they have different ideas in mind, then you need to revisit the work you have done until they all come out with the same idea.
  10. Revise and edit.

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